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written by Sanja Rozman

Life can be hard—so why not use whatever avenues you can to make it easier? Overindulging in drugs and alcohol only makes problems worse, but what could be wrong with using video games, gambling, comfort food, social media, romance, or sex to add some comfort to your life? Unfortunately, while engaging in comforting behaviors can initially seem less dangerous and more socially acceptable than smoking or drinking too much alcohol, the chemistry of addiction is not wholly tied to a substance, but rather to the brain’s response. This leads some people to develop diseases called behavioral addictions—which work just like other addictions, but without any substance involved.

     Serenity is your go-to manual for understanding and overcoming behavioral addictions. It answers many questions you may have about behavioral addiction:

  • How can you recognize and understand behavioral addictions?
  • How do people develop behavioral addictions?
  • When it comes to activities like engaging with social media, gaming, working, or dieting, how much is too much?
  • How can someone become addicted to something everybody does?
  • How can you know if you’re helping or enabling your addicted loved one?
  • Are you an addict yourself—and if so, how can you recover?

In this book, renowned psychotherapist Sanja Rozman will answer these questions and help you create your own personal, state-of-the-art recovery plan. Her program has helped her clients discover the reasoning behind their destructive behaviors, work through them, and establish new, healthier patterns in their lives and relationships. Whether you are suffering yourself or are a family member, teacher, or good friend of an addict, you will learn everything you need to know about how to recognize, understand, and cope with behavioral addictions. You can’t just stop them—but you can work through the problem. It works if you work it!   


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Meet the Author

Sanja Rozman is a medical doctor and psychotherapist living in Slovenia, where she is known as a pioneer for her work speaking about behavioral addiction. Her many books about behavioral addictions discuss painful, complicated aspects of life like addiction and trauma in simple language with medical and psychotherapeutic accuracy, while her personal experience as the former wife of an addict allows her to approach the realities of addiction with honesty, compassion, and authenticity.

    In her forty years of work as a medical doctor and thirty years as a psychotherapist, Rozman has listened to the testimonies of more than three thousand addicts and guided hundreds of her clients through many obstacles on the path to stable, long-term recovery. Their true stories testify to their resilience; and to the power of Rozman’s original therapeutic model, described in this book.

Press Kit


Format: Paperback

Pages:  434

ISBN PB:  978-1-962416-78-8

Release Date: January 14, 2025


“An excellent digest of all types of addiction, with a holistic, spiritual approach to healing.”

     – Darlene Lancer, licensed marriage and family therapist specializing in relationships, narcissism, and codependency and author of bestsellers Codependency for Dummies; Dating, Loving, and Leaving a Narcissist; Conquering Shame and Codependency; and many more


“Dr. Sanja Rozman’s book Serenity is well-organized, immensely readable, relatable, and relational. Her language is personal and professional, vulnerable and compassionate. Her readers will appreciate her meaningful descriptions, definitions, diagrams, and summaries for various process and substance addictions, attachment, and the brain. Sanja respectfully regards her readers, never talking down and always rendering hope. Especially helpful are explanations and exercises for recovery; information [on] transformation, treatment, and recovery, and ways to take action for a personalized recovery plan. Readers will immediately feel her passion, sincerity, and warmth in this extremely accessible book. Her book is a welcome addition to the recovery community, including addicts, trauma survivors, family and friends, and also therapists. When it comes out in print, I will happily recommend it to my colleagues and clients. I might even give a copy to a few docs that I know.”

     – Anna Valenti-Anderson, LCSW, contributing expert to Making Marriage a Success: Pearls of Wisdom from Experts Across the Nation and Making Advances: A Comprehensive Guide to the Treatment of Female Sex and Love Addicts


“In this book, Dr. Sanja Rozman provides readers with a compassionate overview of the addictions and, more specifically, the oft misunderstood and misdiagnosed behavioral addictions. This insightful text offers compelling insight into the development of such addictions, as well as the similarities and differences between substance and behavioral issues. The book offers direction, insight, and hope toward healing these complex problems. Highly recommended for both therapists and the general public.”

     – Dr. Rob Weiss, digital-age intimacy and relationships expert, chief clinical officer for Seeking Integrity treatment centers, and author of bestsellers Sex Addiction 101: A Basic Guide to Healing from Sex, Porn, and Love Addiction; Closer Together, Further Apart: The Effect of Technology and the Internet on Parenting, Work, and Relationships; and Prodependence: Moving Beyond Codependency


“Recovery from addiction requires identifying and understanding how substances coexist within a constellation of behaviors. These accompanying behaviors involving food, work or relationships, are often addictions hiding in plain sight. Serenity is a must-read guide containing vital insights and exercises necessary to understand, identify, treat and recover from behavioral addictions.”

     – Debra Kaplan, MA, MBA, LPC, CSAT-S, and author of For Love and Money: Exploring Sexual & Financial Betrayal in Relationships and Coupleship Inc: From Financial Conflict to Financial Intimacy


“Dr. Rozman’s Serenity is a paradigm-shifting and compassionate approach to addiction recovery showing her deep understanding of the emotional and psychological dynamics of compulsion and obsession, as well as their practical experience helping individuals overcome dependence. Rather than relying on sterile medical language or a judgmental lens, this book embraces a holistic and empathetic perspective that broadens the traditional definition of addiction—limited to substances—to include a range of behaviors motivated by the need to escape reality or soothe emotional pain.

     “What sets Serenity apart is its compelling combination of insightful explanations, clear language, practical tools, deeply moving personal experiences, and real case examples. Dr. Rozman expertly guides readers through the complex landscape of addiction, illuminating its origins, impacts, and the intricate web of emotions that drive it. But understanding is just the first step. Serenity invites readers on a journey of self-discovery, empowering them with a structured path to healing and providing hope through actionable steps to break free from addiction’s grasp and maintain recovery.

     “Serenity is more than just a recovery guide; it is a catalyst for genuine transformation. For anyone seeking to step out of the darkness of addiction and step into a brighter, more empowered life, Serenity is a must-read. This book is also a powerful tool for anyone who wants to understand and support those on the path to recovery.”

     – Antonieta Contreras, trauma therapist, supervisor, consultant, and author of the award-winning book Traumatization and Its Aftermath


Serenity provides insight about what addiction is—and isn’t. It also provides inspiration for those of us who struggle with addiction to continue on the path to ‘better ourselves.’ For those who love us, some insight on the nature of addiction and why we struggle to ‘stop’ what is so obvious to those who loved us as destructive to ourselves and relationships. The stories are relatable and provide a connection point to see ourselves and loved ones—through a lens that we can hopefully take hold of the inspiration to strive for Serenity. Thank you, Sanja, for your persistence in bringing this to reality.”

     – Tami VerHelst, chief relationship officer for Seeking Integrity treatment resources


“Sanja Rozman wrote this extremely useful book with all the competence and the knowledge of a specialist with many years of experience helping patients with the difficult problem of addiction. In her book, together with the useful and updated scientific information, you can find many clinical examples of her work with patients including her own story. This makes this book unique as a valuable resource for both clinicians working in the field of addiction and also for patients suffering from it.”

     – Dr. Vesna Bogdanovic, MD, PhD, psychiatrist and psychotherapist specializing in analytical psychology and EMDR at San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy; and supervisor, facilitator, accredited trainer, and member of the board of EMDR Europe


“Sanja Rozman is Slovenia’s leading specialist in treating behavioral addictions. With Serenity, she is finally making her techniques and experience available to the anglophone world. Humans are humans, the world over. This book offers a chance to apply strategies and approaches that have worked wonders in one cultural setting to mental health professionals everywhere. Dr. Rozman takes an approach that will ring true to all trained psychologists, but adds her own elements that have led to so many positive outcomes in her practice. This is a great book for therapists, family members, and those who suffer from behavioral addictions.”

     – Dr. Noah Charney, bestselling author and professor of art 


Serenity: How to Recognize, Understand, and Recover from Behavioral Addictions is not just a book, but a beacon of hope for anyone caught in the grip of addiction. The book is characterized by a deep understanding of the human psyche and the complex nature of addiction, and offers an empathetic approach to recovery. Dr. Sanja Rozman draws on her extensive experience as a psychotherapist and survivor of addiction to write a story that is both psychoeducational and deeply personal.

     “The book guides the reader through the intricate landscape of non-chemical addictions, examining a wide range of behavioral addictions with meticulous attention to detail. It explores the complexity of addiction on multiple levels—brain, behavior, family, and society—and offers insights from initial recognition through the nuanced journey to recovery. What makes this work particularly powerful is the inclusion of personal stories and testimonials that not only humanize the battle against addiction, but also provide the reader with real-life examples of resilience and hope. It addresses not only the individual struggles with addiction, but also addicts’ families and friends, making it a comprehensive resource for anyone affected by this problem. The practical advice, exercises and strategies described in Serenity are presented in a compassionate tone and contain no moral judgments. Rozman invites readers on a comprehensive journey of self-discovery and transformation where she emphasizes the critical importance of patience, self-care, community support, and a holistic approach to healing, addressing the interconnectedness of body, emotions, relationships, and spirituality in the recovery process. In an academic landscape filled with technical and impersonal texts on addiction, Serenity stands out for its accessible language, warmth, and sincere desire to support others on their journey to recovery. It is a testament to the power of shared experience and the strength that lies in collective vulnerability. This book represents an invaluable contribution to the field of addiction recovery and offers indispensable insights for anyone seeking to understand the multifaceted nature of addiction, whether for personal healing and growth, educational purpose or professional reasons.”

     – Metka Kuhar, PhD, professor of psychology at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and author of the Slovenian study Adverse Childhood Experiences


“Sanja Rozman, MD, is one of the most honest, approachable, down-to-earth, yet professional therapists and authors I have ever met. Her expertise and personal experience as a longtime practitioner give her a firm baseline for working with patients who suffer from different types of addiction and trauma, as well as people who are close to them. She had worked with some pioneers in this field and developed a unique method that has been successful for many sufferers. Therefore, it is no surprise that her books remain bestsellers even decades after their first publication, often being quoted and used by other authors.

     “What makes Rozman so successful? Firstly, it is her great talent for storytelling. Her skillful intertwinement of expert knowledge, years of practice and personal experience is catchy, easy to read and relatable. Her honesty and openness are remarkable. Her optimism and belief that regardless of the trauma one can always find a way out are infectious and inspiring. Her methods are easily applicable, although not miraculously effective—the change in life is always a result of determination and hard work, with Rozman offering support and information on how to achieve both. Her books are practical and universal, yet not trivial. They help us recognize the bad patterns in our lives, which are mostly adopted in our childhood (and consolidated later on), and tell us how to replace them with healthier ones. Everyone can do that and start living a healthier and happier life, which is the main—and the most important—message of Sanja Rozman’s books.

     “The same is valid for Serenity, her latest book and the first on the international market. It is a result of decades of practical work, lifetime of education and an honest wish to help us overcome different types of addictions that prevent us from living authentically and building healthy relationships. We all have experience with addiction, whether we are addicts ourselves, or care about a person who suffers from addiction. Thus, I am deeply convinced that anyone can benefit from this book, if not on a personal level (which I find almost impossible to believe), it also gives us a deeper understanding of modern society. Addictions are a major part of our reality, and we all suffer from different traumas, even those that seem tiny and insignificant. That is universal and deeply humane.

     “I strongly believe that after reading this book, your life will change for the better. Rozman is a supporter of group therapies, and I agree with her that one plus one does not always make two, but sometimes it makes a hundred. Together we can achieve so much more [than we can] on our own, and when in trouble, there is no better company and support than Sanja Rozman and her book.”

     – Urška Kaloper, chief nonfiction editor at Mladinska knjiga, Rozman’s publishing house in Slovenia


Serenity not only raises awareness of addictions in the reader, but also draws road maps in diagnosis and treatment for themselves and their loved ones. I definitely recommend it to be read for business and private life as a relationship management training. It is a guide for all types of addiction whether you’re aware of them or not.”

     – Sema Erdem, breast cancer survivor and advocate; and engineer with experience in education, systems engineering, complex projects management, and quality assurance in project management


“For the last couple of years, I have been working with Sanja to create live television shows and documentaries about trauma and addiction. The number of books she wrote, her education, and especially her hands-on practice is better witness to her expertise than my words. But last week, I noticed something that has escaped me during all our years of working together: her gaze . . .

     “It was Tuesday, and she came to our studio to participate in our live show The Unspoken Truths. As usual, she was cheerful and full of expectations to have yet another opportunity to help people. This time, she noticed how exhausted I was, even though I was sure I had hidden it well, like a typical addict hiding emotions. As she sat in the studio to let the technician set her microphone and adjust the lighting, she was watching me carefully, saying something softly, looking at me deeply, and asking me something. And I knew that she actually cared. I was so touched that I didn’t even remember the question.

     “It was a moment of nonverbal communication, but it had a tremendous therapeutic effect on me. Later, I thought about it and noticed that her gaze softens when she speaks about the vulnerability of helpless children, getting decisive when the word is about the traps of addictive behaviors or the proven scientific facts. She never judges the patients, but looks at them with compassion.”

     – Bojan Kodelja, founder and owner of Independent TV, a network dedicated to educational and preventive programs for children, parents, and teachers


“I joined Sanja Rozman’s program for non-chemical addictions because of problems in my marriage. More or less, I wanted to support my wife, who was already attending the group. Only later did I realize that the way I enter relationships stems from codependency, which was the result of many minor and major traumatic events from childhood. As a people pleaser, I never identified that my core problem was continuously scanning what other people need or want. I overlooked myself to the degree that I hardly existed at all.

     “After three years of diligently following the program and using all the suggested means in the field of personal growth, physical health, and spirituality, I finally reawakened my inner feelings, which now dictate my direction in life from the awareness of who I really am. The most important thing I’ve learned is that I have to solve my problems as soon as they arise because there’s no better time than right now. Everything you ignore gets bigger and heavier.

     “All the acquired knowledge comes in very handy when I am working with clients. I now use this knowledge and see extraordinary insights in clients and strong shifts in the direction of improving self-image and self-confidence and overcoming various kinds of addictions. Knowledge in the field of non-chemical addictions is quite new in Slovenia, and it is difficult for me to imagine that I could have gained an understanding of the dynamics of complex post-traumatic stress disorder in the way that I experienced it right here, through my own personal experience.”

     – Robert, family and marriage therapist, intern under supervision, and former client

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