It may seem like marketing, especially self-promotion, is geared toward extroverts. Many marketing agents and publicists thrive in their positions due to their bold, outgoing natures. However, there is a place for introverts in the land of marketing, as well.

If you’re an introvert, the typical schmoozing, corresponding, and shouting from the rooftops that take place in a promotional campaign may be your worst nightmare. We’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way! There are things you can do to use your personality to your benefit.

Extroverts, feel free to skip this one, or pass it on to an introverted friend who may be in need. Introverts, buckle up and take notes.

Maximize Interactions

Take advantage of one-on-one marketing opportunities. This will allow you to:

  • Make more personal connections
  • Communicate your ideas clearly

Be open about your needs and don’t be afraid to be honest:

  • “I’m going to need a few days to think about this; if I don’t get back to you within a day or two, definitely feel free to reach out.”
  • “I’m thinking about this and will get back to you later.”
  • “I need a walk to clear my head and formulate my thoughts.”

Christina Kann, Brandylane’s in-house publicist, is always available to talk marketing with you! Feel free to reach out to her directly at to discuss promotion.

Be Prepared

Here are some strategies we have found help authors feel comfortable, prepared, and confident when being interviewed or making contact with booksellers/venues: 

  • Write an outline or script of what you want to say during a phone conversation before you make the call. This way, you don’t have to worry about forgetting something. 
    • Practice reading through the script before you make the call.
    • Have a friend or family member role-play so you can practice your conversation in a realistic situation.
    • Develop several scripts for different uses. You can leave blanks for people’s names and more so you can tweak it for each audience.
  • If you have a phone interview, ask them to email you the questions ahead of time. 
    • Prepare answers so you’ll experience minimal surprises.
    • Asking for questions ahead of time is a normal request, and interviewers should be happy to accommodate you.
  • Public events can be daunting, but preparation is key.
    • Practice what you want to say with a friend before presenting. You can build confidence, and they can give you tips to help improve your performance. 
    • Bring notes — either notecards with phrases and keywords or actual sentences. Sometimes if you are nervous, stringing words into a competent sentence is hard, and having the sentences already composed in front of you will help. 

Catering to Introvert Strengths

  • Find a medium that works for you. Low-interaction methods can often be the most comfortable. Email, social media, and blog-writing are great ways to garner a following without actively engaging.
  • It’s important to follow up. If you made a phone call the first time, you can switch to a more comfortable form of communication, such as an email, to reduce your stress, but mention in your email that you’ve previously contacted by phone.
  • Schedule your marketing efforts (like social media and email), as trying to do many things at once may be overwhelming! There are plenty of great scheduling programs for any social media platform. Here at Brandylane, we use Hootsuite for Twitter and Buffer for Instagram. Facebook has a built-in scheduling function for professional pages.

Take Care of Yourself

  • Schedule “me” time to recharge. You will be better able to market your work when you don’t feel drained. 
  • If you don’t feel up to doing something like making a phone call, and it isn’t time sensitive, wait until you feel more comfortable and are able to best represent yourself.
  • Remind yourself of all your unique strengths that can augment your marketing:
    • Your ability to listen to the consumer is a valuable asset.
    • You think before you speak..

Don’t worry, you got this!

Promotion can be a challenge, but it’s an important part of being an author. Once you start to get in the habit of using some of the tips mentioned above, you will find it easier to champion yourself and your work!