Meet the Author
Gordon Swanson lived through fifteen-miles-per-day marches, sunscreen testing in the desert, weather and equipment testing in the Arctic, and the sometimes-unlivable conditions due to inadequate equipment. Several times, Swanson and his group had to stand up to their officers, even upon threat of court-martial in order to live to see the next test.
After surviving his ordeals as a guinea pig, Gordon Swanson worked mainly in the chemical field and retired as a project design and construction manager with Hibbard Engineers, a design and construction management firm in New York; he also worked with Allied Chemical and Occidental Chemical Corporation.
He has lived in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Indiana, has been a member of Optimists, Moose, American Legion, and Veterans of Foreign Wars, and has served as a volunteer firefighter. He also has
been a member of The Professional Engineers Club, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, and the American Welding Society.
Swanson is author of Hurricane Recovery with The Peoples’ Village Plan (2006), a book that aids victims in recovering after these natural disasters.
Swanson has been married for fifty-three years, has two children and three grandchildren and lives in Richmond, Virginia.