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A Rebellious Woman

by Claire J. Griffin $9.99$34.95

A Tree For A Year

by Ellen Dutton $2.99$22.95

Back Home

by Shaista Fatehali $4.99$22.95

Birds at the Post Office

by Richard Zuras $4.99$12.95

Bone Necklace


Brothers and Strangers: A German-Iraqi Memoir


Bubble Duck and Bubble Duck Does Hockey (2nd Ed.)

by Teresa Pistole $2.99$13.95

Collette in Kindergarten

by Collette Divitto $4.99$22.95

Danger on My Doorstep: The Anita Flora Powitzer Story

by Linda Schubert $3.99$13.95

Everybody Can Dance!

by Kara Navolio $2.99$21.95

Grandma’s Window


Half on Tuesdays

by Amy E. Whitman $2.99$16.95

Honor Held Dear

by Alan Eschbach $4.99$28.95

IKIGAI: Life’s Purpose


Labyrinth of Terror

by Richard P. Wenzel $4.99$16.00

Lifeline 65: How Small Connections and Big Enthusiasm Can Change Education

by Ryan Stein and Jennifer Costa Berdux $4.99$28.95

Making Manna

by Eric Lotke $5.99$16.00

My Dance with Grace: Reflections on Death and Life

by Weldon Bradshaw $8.99$15.00

My Family Tree Has Roots




Of Memories and Mirages

by Abu B. Rafique $7.99$30.95

Once Upon a Fable

by Mariah Robinson   $4.99$25.95

Pollyanna Gay


Richmond’s Unhealed History

by Ben Campbell $5.99$30.95


by Elspeth Roake $7.99$16.95

Seasons for Stones

by Nikki Bergstresser $4.99$22.95

Simone LaFray and the Chocolatiers’ Ball

by SP O’Farrell $6.99$25.95

Simone LaFray and the Red Wolves of London


Sister Cities: A Story of Friendship Between Virginia and Mali

by Ana Edwards and Robin Poulton $4.99$19.95

Six Revolutionary WOW Factor Women


Size Matters: The Large Woman’s Comprehensive Guide to Living Well


Strangers in Jerusalem


Super Socks

by Connie Bowman $2.99$22.95

The Adventures of Fuzzy and Buzzy

by Josh Brandstadter $4.99$22.95

The Aftertime


The Bastard Year

by Richard Lee Zuras $9.99$15.00

The Big Buna Bash

by Sara Arnold $2.99$22.95

The Clothesline Code: The Story of Civil War Spies Lucy Ann and Dabney Walker


The Fourth Branch of Government: We the People

by Jack Trammell, PhD and Guy Terrell, MS, PMP $7.99$16.95

The Phoenix of Upperville


The Precariousness of Done

by Tony Houck $5.99$15.95

The Wondrous Wizdom of Oz

by Christine Whitehead $2.99$15.00

The Woods of Wicomico (1st Ed.)


The Woods of Wicomico (2nd Ed.)

by Nuala Galbari $9.99$30.95

Toby Wears a Tutu

by Lori Starling $4.99$22.95

Twinings: Poems at Eighty


Two Faces of the Moon: A Small Island Memoir


Uncle George and Me

by Bill Sizemore $4.99$26.95

When Mayor Doug Wilder Ruled Richmond: Strong-Arm Politics in Virginia’s Capital City


Wisdom Builds Her House


You’re Not Invited!: An Ooey-Gooeys Adventure

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